Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The cat and the hair appointment

I currently have my feet up, having a well deserved rest because my legs are fried. You know then pain when you have ran/sprinted in flip flops and a skirt. Well i will get to that part of my day shortly.

My alarm went off at 7am, and i have to hit snooze at least twice before i can get up. So between my 2nd and 3rd snooze i feel the cat jump on my bed, and then hear him throw up on my bed, and then jumps off. I was so mad. It's bad enough the cat throwing up, but on my bed and at 7am is just not cool. So i will admit i started the day off as being Grumpy from the Seven Dwarfs.

But today was the long awaited day. I had an appointment to get my hair cut. I got an amazing deal to get my hair cut for just £18 instead of £89  at a mega nice salon in Manchester. But I had to book 5 weeks in advance because they are crazy busy. So I decided to leave nice and early to get the Metro in. After 5minutes of the journey the tram broke down. I was stuck at Brooklands Station. By the time i found out the tram service had been suspended it was 2.50 (10minutes till my apt). I called the salon and they said they can wait till 3.30 at the very latest for me, there are no more appointments till mid May. The only way left was to get back to my house and drive in. My house is a 25minute walk from Brooklands station, it takes 20-25minutes to drive in to Manchester, and then the hairdressers is a 10-15minute walk from parking. Thats 1 hour,  i had 35minutes. But i figured if I fail i will atleast go down with a fight. Oh i forgot to mention i was wearing a skirt and flip flops (not good running attire). So i ran to my house (8 minutes). Drove as fast as i could to town (20minutes). Parked up (2minutes). Ran to the hairdressers (5 minutes). I ran through the hairdressers door at exactly 3.30! SUCCESS. So today i learnt a valuable lesson in that effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit. After my epic race there in flip flops and a skirt i requested they wash my hair with nice cold water because I'm not going to lie, i was as sweaty as and arm pit.


The hair cut

And that was my adventure of the day....till next time.